Heliconius host plant ecology 1973-1986
- Smiley, JT 1978 The host plant
ecology of Heliconius Butterflies in Northeastern Costa Rica. PhD
Thesis, Univ. of Texas at Austin
- Smiley, JT. 1978. Plant chemistry and the
evolution of host specificity: New evidence from Heliconius and Passiflora. Science 201: 745-747
- Gilbert, LE and JT Smiley. 1978. Determinants
of local diversity in phytophagous insects: Host specialists in tropical
environments. In: LA Mound and N Waloff, eds., Diversity of Insect
Faunas. Blackwell, London
- Boggs, CL, JT Smiley and LE Gilbert. 1981 Patterns of pollen exploitation
by Heliconius butterflies. Oecologia 48:284-289
- Waage, JK, JT Smiley, and LE Gilbert. 1981 The Passiflora problem
in Hawaii, prospects and problems of controlling forest weed Passiflora
mollissima (Passifloracae) with heliconiine butterflies. Entomophaga
26: 275-284
- Smiley, JT and CS Wisdom 1982 Photographic
estimation of weight of insect larvae. Annals of Entomological Society
of America 75: 616-618
- Smiley, JT The herbivores of Passiflora:
Comparison of monophyletic and polyphyletic feeding guilds. Proceedings
of V International Symposium on Insect-Plant Interactions, Wageningen,
Pudoc, Wageningen, 1982
- Smiley, JT. 1983 Passiflora foetida and P. vitifolia.
In: D Janzen, ed., Costa Rican Natural History. University of Chicago
- Smiley, JT 1985 Are chemical barriers necessary
for butterfly- host plant coevolution? Oecologia 65: 580-583
- Smiley, JT 1985 Heliconius caterpillar mortality during establishment on plants with and without
defending ants. Ecology 66: 845-849
- Smiley, JT and CS Wisdom. 1985 Determinants
of insect growth rate on heterogeneous host plants in a rainforest environment.
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 13: 305-312
- Smiley, JT. 1986 Ant constancy at Passiflora extrafloral nectaries: effects on caterpillar survival. Ecology
67: 516-521
- Manuscript Smiley, JT A model for plant herbivore interactions incorporating heterogeneity among host plants.